We help you monitor and analyze Pancakeswap's Prediction Game, focusing specifically on identifying extended sequences of results.
We help you finding extended sequences of consecutive colors to provide valuable insights into betting patterns.
Recognizing the low probability of very long sequences helps you make better decisions.
For example, after 7 consecutive "red" results, the probability of an eighth "red" result is still 50%, but such long sequences are statistically rare.
We store all results daily, display them live, and alert you to important sequences so you don't have to constantly monitor, helping you make decisions without relying on the prediction of individual outcomes.
In addition to tracking streaks, our app includes a betting strategy calculator. This tool helps you determine optimal bet sizes based on your desired outcomes.
How It Works: The calculator assists you in adjusting your bet sizes to manage potential losses and achieve your betting goals effectively.
For example, after 7 consecutive 'red' results, you bet on green and another red comes up as the 8th result. The calculator helps you calculate how much you should bet on the 9th result to recover the previous loss and gain an extra profit.